Wednesday 15 May 2013

Day 1 - Melbourne

A first, cautious post.

I must confess that I have had a block about blogging.

This possibly stems from an association between 'blogging' and 'blagging'. The latter referring to reckless disclosures without consent.

I am in Melbourne to attend the 14th ICNE conference on the theme of end of life ethics, hosted by Deakin University, tomorrow and Friday. I will also participate in the ICN congress with the opening ceremony on Saturday.

Tomorrow morning I meet with the Nursing Ethics Editorial Board to discuss the progress of our journal, now in its 20th year.

So.....Should I tell you about the people I meet? Can I disclose what we discuss? Reveal the more controversial aspects of our arguments? Give opinion regarding the most and least memorable conference presentations? or Perhaps focus on sharing features of Australian culture & cuisine?

This evening I had a glass of wine with an ex-nurse who is now a well-known Australian investigative author, Robin Bowles. She lent me her book 'What Happened to Freeda Hayes?'. This is about a 47 year old woman who died in a hospice following a visit from a doctor and her brother and sister. All three were charged with wilful murder.

So would you like to know how it turned out and the secrets that emerged as the case progressed?
Should I tell you? Or would that be blagging?

Keep reading and do comment.


  1. I think this is a really good idea to keep everyone up to date with themes from the conference. Sorry I cannot join you there this year.

    Best wishes Vince Mitchell

  2. Hi Ann
    Great to hear what is occuring!!Fabulous Blog!
    Big hug

    1. Thank you Liz, do keep reading and commenting on content
